The difference things between the Lavazza Qualita Oro Espresso (Gold can) and the Lavazza Caffe Espresso (Black can). The Gold can LavAzza uses 100% Arabica beans from 2 differences countries and the Black can Lavazza uses 100% Arabica coffee beans from only one country.
Here is the same thing between The Lavazza Gold and Black canned are:
1. It's a Lavazza coffee
2. Made using 100% Arabica coffee beans
3. Blended from 100% Arabica beans.
4. Blended for make an espresso
5. Roasted and Packaged in Italy.
Differences are:
The LavAzza Gold can coffee uses 100% Arabica beans from 2 countries where Central America and Africa.
Notice: Lavazza states that the Central American beans in this blend contributes a floral aroma.
The Lavazza Black can coffee uses 100% Arabica beans from only 1 country where is South America
Notice: Lavazza states that the South American beans in this blend are more sweet and aromatic than otherelse.
In my opinion, both of them are excellent and clearly different character, some will favor the Black Can variety over the Gold Can and vice-versa. NEITHER are bad coffees, they just appeal to different tastes because of the making procedure and equipment are difference. That still doesn't make either one "bad", it just makes one variety better suited to a particular brewing procedure and to personal taste.
The excellent from result and taste that I got from one using my primary coffee making procedure. When I use a completely different system and procedure to making coffee, I prefer the other variety as well. Both are excellent coffees but one is more likely to perform better in your coffee making method and system and give you better results than the other. Properly made, I sincerely believe that both coffees are EXCELLENT! Now, please excuse me while I go make myself a fresh mug.
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