A balance of tones, the subtle and nuanced dialog........Son of illycaffè founder Francesco Illy: Ernesto Illy said “When we drink illy coffee, our tongue gets painted. As long as it stays painted, it remains tasty!!!”
Producing the world’s finest tasting coffee requires an exacting balance of subtle, aromatic nuances: a blending of acidic, sweet and bitter notes, in order to create the distinctive of illy taste. illy's rich body envelopes the palate, creating a pleasant tactile sensation as it paints the tongue. Numerous flavors ranging from fruity to flowery with traces of chocolate, caramel, hints of almonds and honey, all blend sweetly together. Even those who prefer sugarless coffee are sure to be more than gratified by the end result.
illy's approach to sustainablity and not just gain the profitIn 1998, illycaffè joined forces with Share Our Strength (SOS), a non-profit organization dedicated to eradicating childhood hunger throughout the world. In ten years, illycaffè has donated more than $1.5 million to SOS to end childhood hunger. To help develop Ethiopia’s coffee, growing community, the birthplace of coffee, and a source of illycaffè’s premier beans – illycaffè partnered with Share Our Strength to launch Cup of Kindness. Founded in 2004, the program has funded construction and ongoing operation of the illy Community School in Moyale Woreda, a drought-stricken community in the Somali region of Ethiopia. illycaffè remains committed to the cause and the program, raising funds earmarked to help build yet more schools in Ethiopia.
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